These are a set of linked stools that afford a group seating. Each stool supports another through the extended leg becoming its supporting member. Five seats in a closed loop will provide five seating where as the same in open loop will provide four seating. The performative seating suggests a communal way of living as a means to share resources.
Any change requires a shift in the process of thinking. The greatest minds of this century have been trying overcome the global problems we currently face: hunger, poverty, water shortage etc. Yet we are far from solving it.
Is there a better solution to the existing solution? Yes, maybe.
About collaboration, If all the great minds come together, interrelate the data, form opinions, connect thoughts, give context and thus giving structure to information that now has layers and dimensions. Magnifying the idea of collaboration to strengthen the system we are in today. What if collaboration was the only option? if we are dependents of the dependencies.
Synergy is when the whole is greater than sum of its parts. Collective identity is an intermediate process, in which individuals recognise that they share certain orientations in common and on that basis decide to act together. Situationist: It denotes an activity aimed at creating situations, as opposed to passively recognising them in academic or other separate terms. Up till now philosophers and artists have only interpreted situations; the point now is to transform them. Since human beings are moulded by the situations they go through, it is essential to create human situations. Since individuals are defined by their situation, they need the power to create situations worthy of their desires.
Designing for a space that invites and nourishes togetherness. This project is an attempt to understand people in multiples and their social behaviour. Following are my iterations on the idea, some made of found objects.